Well, I hope that everyone had a great Holiday Season (Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Chanukah, etc.). We had a great one here at Queenie's house, we stayed home in AL this year instead of traveling, it is always so stressful and tiresome so we wanted to do our own thing this year!
So, during this (staying at home) Holiday Season the hubby and I got to looking around and complaining about some normal clutter and such in our house. There are things in this house (clothes, shoes, toys, you name it) that could very much find a new home. With that being said I have decided to share with you guys what I will be doing and breaking it down so that you can follow along to if you would like. Trust me, I WILL NOT be finishing this in one day or one week, I still want time to enjoy my family and do other things while my son is out of school the rest of this week.
I will divide out the rooms and do one at a time posting along the way with list, maybe pictures and more. Today I wanted to get you all on board and share with you 6 things that you can do everyday that will make life a little simpler!
6 Things to do Daily:
1) Make the beds-This always just makes me feel like my room is just one step closer to being clean and makes me smile.
2) Manage Daily Clutter- As you leave a room look around and see if there is anything that you took in there that day that does not belong. If it does not belong take it to where it does instead of letting it pile up.
3) Don't let the mail pile up- Each day when you check the mail go ahead and open, sort and file everything that came in that day. This keeps it from stacking up on the table or counter (as mine usually does here lately)
4)Sweep or vacuum daily- I know what you are all saying to the computer screen right now, "is she crazy". Yes, I kinda am! I do not mean that you have to sweep or vacuum daily but more of check out the floor and see if it needs to be done, do not be the person that panics because someone is stopping by and the carpet or floors have gotten out of hand!
5) Clean as you cook- This one is a MUST, if you wipe up or rinse off things as you are going it makes so much less clean up in the end, lets face it the rule of "I will cook and you clean" does not happen for the most of us, so doing this will help you tremendously!
6) Breathe and Relax- While I know that this is not totally possible if you breathe and relax a bit about the house then you will not stress as much over getting certain things done. My mother always said "Please excuse the mess, my children are making memories"!!!
Look ahead for next installment of Organize for the New Year I will be making a list of what all will be done to clean up and clean out my living room!!! YIKES!! :)
Oh, and I have been a busy girl checking out organizational ideas to share from Pinterest!!!

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